Do you have my textbook in the library?
Can I borrow a textbook from the library?
For the 2021-2022 academic year all digital course materials are available for free in Blackboard on the first day of class.
If your course materials aren’t available digitally, the Campus Bookstore will get everything ready for you. All you need to do is pick up your required, non-digital materials at the Campus Bookstore in the Senator Judith Zaffirini Student Success Center after you receive your confirmation email.
- Find more information on TAMIU Books IncludED
No, the library does not purchase copies of TAMIU course textbooks or required reading material for our collection, nor do we allow students to Interlibrary Loan textbooks or text currently being sold at the TAMIU bookstore.
But you could try a search in the library catalog because we do have older editions of some textbooks and other required reading material. Some Professors also put a copy of textbooks in Course Reserves, which are held at the Circulation desk. Items on Course Reserve cannot be checked out.
- Search Course Reserves for your textbook.